Strength - ability of a group to cooperate to solve a problem
Power - ability of a group to apply maximum cooperation in minimum time
Endurance - ability to gather, process, and deliver information
Stamina - ability to process, deliver, store, and utilize solutions
Flexibility - ability to maximize range of cooperation between group members
Coordination - ability to combine distinct individual solution patterns into a single group solution pattern
Balance - ability to control individual acceleration in relation to group needs
Accuracy - ability to control cooperation in a given direction at a given intensity
Speed - ability to minimize the time between repeated solutions
Agility - ability to minimize transition time between solution patterns
Again, it is not exact. It is the natural direction to take general preparedness. Physical preparedness will work to a point, but we all have blind spots, out of context variables can blindside us. Our emotional fitness will help us engage appropriately in social situations, but emotions can overwhelm us. The only way we are generally prepared for any and all contingencies is if we bring our strengths into play for the benefit of one another.
When facing a situation that is harder in training, we face it and overcome it to the best of our ability. This is good to grow us. In the real world, when we face a challenge that is bigger than our strengths, we hope others will aid us and vice versa. In the real world, we don't have to face the hard situations alone (at least, we shouldn't have to). All people should always be ready to assist all other people. In smaller groups, this is experienced directly because you rely on each other. In larger groups it requires a culture of general preparedness.
We are, after all, relying on our nervous system. Doesn't it make sense that the more nervous systems working together, the less weaknesses overall? We can all still be generally physically prepared and generally emotionally prepared, but the purpose is to be generally prepared together.